Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Pain Management for Veterinary Technicians
by Janet Amundson Romich
May 2021
Packed with learning tools, Romich’s ANESTHESIA, ANALGESIA, AND PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR VETERINARY TECHNICIANS explains the science of anesthesia and how that knowledge is applied to a clinical setting. Detailed photos and illustrations help you understand complex content. Critical thinking questions and case studies sharpen your critical thinking and multitasking skills. And national board exam style multiple choice questions help prepare you for certification exams. Pharmacology coverage details the “hows and whys” of a drug’s action, while numerous examples demonstrate how to perform drug dose and fluid calculations. Additional online resources include mathematics reviews, anesthesia records, anesthesia monitoring guidelines and pain scales. Delivering the “missing pieces,” this first edition equips you with a thorough understanding of how to perform responsible anesthesia.