Equine Geriatric Medicine and Surgery
by Joseph J. Bertone
January 2006
Interest in equine geriatrics among veterinarians and researchers is on the rise as many horses remain active and rideable well into their twenties. However, as horses age, they develop certain condition that affect their overall health. Equine Geriatric Medicine and Surgery is a thorough and comprehensive text covering every aspect of veterinary management of the aging horse. The text covers many clinical topics like cardiology, dentistry, nutrition and more. Plus, there are a number of chapters devoted to the emotional challenges of caring the aging horse. Many of the conditions commonly associated with “old age” in the horse ― such as lameness, weight loss, or poor shedding ― actually might be treatable or preventable. Equine Geriatric Medicine and Surgery will help veterinarians manage their patients’ health, and the specially written “layman’s” sections will help educate owners about preventive measures that can be taken to extend the life of their animals.
- It’s the only equine geriatric book for veterinarians
- Information specific to senior horses allows better management of the medical conditions that affect aging animals and includes preventive measures that can be taken to extend the life of the horse
- Provides the most current information from the leading practitioners in equine geriatric medicine
- Includes chapters on the emotional aspects of caring for the aging horse, including bereavement, euthanasia, and the human-animal bond
- Summarizes important information in layman’s terms so owners can better understand conditions and their treatment/management