Avian Medicine, 3rd Edition
by Jaime Samour
January 2016
Combining the in-depth coverage of a text with the practicality of a clinical manual and the visual detail of an atlas, Avian Medicine, 3rd Edition is the complete, all-in-one guide to every aspect of avian care. Written by some of the world’s leading authorities in avian medicine, this highly illustrated reference covers a wide variety of avian species – including psittacines, raptors, bustards, parrots, finches, and more. Comprehensive coverage includes issues ranging from the basic aspects of patient management to the most sophisticated diagnostic techniques. Plus, with more illustrations, a wealth of practical advice, and the latest information on cutting-edge treatments and procedures incorporated into this new edition, today’s general clinician will be fully equipped to effectively and confidently care for all birds.
- Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of clinical management written by leading experts in the field provides readers with a depth and breadth of knowledge on avian medicine and care.
- Coverage of a wide variety of species – including raptors, bustards, and many others – enables practitioners to treat a greater assortment of patients with more confidence and skill.
- Bulleted text and tables help present information in an accessible way.
- More than 900 color images give readers a better picture of disease and how it will be encountered in practice.
- Appendices bring together wide-ranging data on hematology and blood chemistry reference values, commonly used pharmaceutics and other information relevant to avian practitioners.
- NEW! New chapter sections, revised references, and updated suggested readings ensure that readers have the most up-to-date information.
- NEW! New chapter contributors ensure the information in the text reflects the most current techniques and advances.
- NEW! Expanded content on parrots, finches and fruit-eating birds has been added to the text to make content more relevant to the needs of today’s practitioners.
- NEW! Thoroughly updated content includes the latest surgical techniques and procedures to keep practitioners on top of the most cutting-edge information in the field.
- NEW! Additional content and images on MRI have been incorporated throughout the text to complete the coverage of other advanced imaging techniques such as CT scans.