A Guide to Hematology in Dogs and Cats
by Alan H. Rebar, Peter S. MacWilliams, Bernard Feldman, Fred Metzger, Roy Pollock, John Roche
December 2001
A Guide to Hematology is a valuable, hands-on, laboratory manual for the practitioner and technician. It provides step-by-step guidelines for the collection and processing of blood samples and interpretation of the hemogram. It also serves as a guide to patient assessment and treatment planning for all common hematological disorders and diseases in dogs and cats. Veterinarians are able to test comprehension of the material through case studies with self test questions. This guide is designed to work with all currently available blood analyzer systems, providing detailed guidelines for hemogram interpretation, identification of artifacts and false positive results. Basic science is limited to information that is needed by the individual performing the rest and interpreting the results. This 264 page presentation boasts 178 full color images and has a lay flat binding for easy in lab reference. A Guide to Hematology in Dogs and Cats was designed for the practitioner and technician who incorporate hematology studies in the office setting and is an ideal clinic laboratory reference.