Advances in Poultry Genetics and Genomics
by Samuel E. Aggrey, Huaijun Zhou, Michèle Tixier-Boichard, Douglas D. Rhoads
May 2020
The poultry breeding sector faces a number of challenges, including the need to produce more resilient breeds in the face of disease, antibiotic resistance, increasing consumer concerns about bird health and welfare and expectations of meat and egg quality.
Advances in poultry genetics and genomics provides a comprehensive review of the recent developments in poultry genetics, breeding and genomics, focussing on the improvement of functional traits to build resilience, the use of genomic selection and its application in breeding improved layers and broilers, as well as the sector’s emerging trends such as epigenetics and genome editing.
With its distinguished editor team and international range of expert contributors, Advances in poultry genetics and genomics will be a standard reference for poultry scientists, companies involved in poultry breeding and government agencies supporting the poultry sector.
- Particular focus on improving functional traits needed for more resilient poultry breeds
- Comprehensive coverage of key advances in genomic selection and their practical application in breeding improved breeds of layers and broilers
- Looks forward to emerging trends such as the use of epigenetics and genome editing