Atlas of Comparative Sectional Anatomy of 6 Invertebrates and 5 Vertebrates
by Géza Zboray, Zsolt Kovács, György Kriska, Kinga Molnár, Zsolt Pálfia
July 2010
This atlas contains 189 coloured images taken from transversal, horizontal and sagittal sections of eleven organisms widely used in university teaching. Six invertebrate and five vertebrate species – from the nematode worm (Ascaris suum) to mammals (Rattus norvegicus) – are shown in detailed images.
Studying the macrosections with unaided eyes, with a simple magnifier or binocular microscope might be of great help to accomplish traditional anatomical studies and to establish a certain spatial experience/space perception.
This volume will be of great interest for biology students, researchers and teachers of comparative anatomy. It might act as supporting material of practical courses. Furthermore, medical practitioners, agricultural specialists and researchers having an interest in comparative anatomy might also benefit from it.
There are no similar books on the market, showing the sectional anatomy of different invertebrates (6 species) and vertebrates (5 species). This atlas has a user friendly arrangement supporting the easy identification of the sectioned structure (photos on the right side, labeled drawings on the left side).
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