Fundamentals of Molecular Virology, 2nd Edition
by Nicholas H. Acheson
November 2011
Designed for students learning about viruses for the first time at the undergraduate or graduate level, Fundamentals of Molecular Virology is presented in a style which relates to today’s students and professors. This book is also a valuable, up-to-date source of information for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists working with viruses. Chapters contributed by prominent virologists were edited to conform to a clear and accessible style. The text provides a thorough presentation of basic and contemporary concepts in virology for a student’s first exposure to the field.
- Chapter stories. Chapters are designed to tell stories about specific virus families, presenting information on well-studied viruses. This approach helps students to learn about virology in a simple and logical fashion.
- Full-color figures. Numerous full-color figures focus on individual steps in virus replication. These figures complement the text and draw the attention of students to important concepts.
- Text boxes throughout the book feature exciting and current developments in molecular virology or practical applications of viruses in science and medicine. These highlights encourage students to discover new information about virology from other sources.
- Key terms, fundamental concepts, and review questions at the end of each chapter help students review and organize information they have learned.
- Extended coverage. This second edition has new chapters on viruses of plants, algae, and archaea, host responses to virus infection, and the host immune system. All other chapters have been revised and updated.
- Information on human pathogens. Includes chapters on important human pathogens such as herpes viruses, hepatitis B and C viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza viruses, measles virus, poliovirus, smallpox virus, West Nile virus, and others.
- New and improved comprehensive, illustrative art program. The text contains a number of new four-color figures which focus on the individual steps in virus replication and helps draw students’ attention to important concepts and details.
- Additional coverage on viruses of Archaea, plant viruses, viruses of algae and the giant mimivirus