Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats: Assessing Common Illnesses by Differential Diagnosis, 3rd Edition
by Christian F. Schrey
February 2017
A handy pocket reference book for the busy practising vet providing a differential diagnosis guide to common conditions, The Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats is an invaluable practice resource ideal as a quick look-up guide during.
The book allows vets to look up a condition and identify the cause of the problem through a list of symptoms. It includes: 100 Main symptoms and their differential diagnoses and 100 laboratory findings, their standard values and analysis and diagnostic pathways for each symptom along with numerous tables for finding the confirming diagnosis.
This practical and up-to-date manual is an indispensable companion for all small animal medicine veterinarians as well as for students of veterinary medicine
Translated from Leitsymptome und Leitbefunde bei Hund und Katze: Differenzialdiagnostischer Leitfaden 3rd Ed, by Heidi Joeken published by Schattauer.
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