Manual of Avian Medicine
by Glenn H. Olsen, Susan E. Orosz
February 2000
MANUAL OF AVIAN MEDICINE presents a concise overview of avian medicine and is the first text on this topic to use a practical format based on symptoms. The first half is devoted to diagnosis based on clinical problems, followed by specific diseases. In addition, chapters on special topics such as surgery, anesthesia, endoscopy, pediatrics, behavior, and necropsy are included. The book concludes with an invaluable and extensive drug formulary with indications, dosages, and side effects and appendices with vital statistics, normal values, and conversion tables.
- Presents a concise overview of all facets of avian medicine.
- Features a practical outline format, allowing readers to find information quickly.
- Includes a problem-oriented approach, which focuses on presenting complaint/clinical manifestations, thereby helping practitioners and students develop diagnostic skills.
- Contains “Hot topic” chapters, which include avian behavior, anesthesia, and toxicology.
- Offers an outstanding drug formulary, which features a comprehensive listing of drugs, indications, dosages, side effects, and more.
- Integrates discussion of species, with differences discussed as necessary, reducing redundancy.
- Includes an appendix on normal blood values.