Nutrient Requirements of Mink and Foxes, 2nd Revised Edition
by National Research Council
January 1982
This report is one of a series issued under the direction of the Committee on Animal Nutrition (CAN), of the Board on Agriculture and Renewable Resources, National Research Council. It was prepared by the CAN Subcommittee on Furbearer Nutrition and is the second revised edition. The subject was first addressed in Publication 296, Nutrient Requirements of Foxes and Minks, published in 1953, and the first revised edition was published in 1968 as Nutrient Requirements of Mink and Foxes.
The earlier reports were the first attempts to develop nutrient requirements for mink and foxes. In this report, additional data are included for the formulation of diets using alternative feedstuffs to the traditional diets of fresh meat and fish as these become increasingly scarce and expensive.