Toxicology of Reptiles
by Susan C. M. Gardner, Eva Oberdorster
October 2005
Toxicology of Reptiles cohesively summarizes much of the cutting-edge research taking place in fields such as reptilian endocrinology, neurophysiology, immunology, and ecology. It also addresses conservation needs along with the complications often associated with population studies. The text is easy to synthesize and apply in the evaluation and understanding of potential risks to reptiles from environmental contaminants.
This book provides a comprehensive description of the current state of knowledge of reptilian toxicology from the perspective of target organ systems. It covers major contaminant classes within each chapter, focusing on those of greatest concern. The authors highlight the most pressing information gaps, and propose priority directions for further advancement in the fields of reptilian biology, wildlife and environmental toxicology, conservation, and ecological risk assessment.
- Summarizes cutting-edge research in reptilian endocrinology, neurophysiology, immunology, and ecology
- Explores the use of tissue residues in reptile ecotoxicology
- Provides tools for assessing the contaminant exposure and resulting effects in reptiles
- Examines hepatic, renal, and adrenal toxicology
- Presents the information from a target organ perspective
- Covers neurological, genotoxic, toxicological, reproductive, and developmental effects