Cattle Medicine: Responsible Use Course
by Joyce Van Donkersgoed, Rick Corbett
June 2005
“The Cattle Medicine – Responsible Use Course” was developed in 2005 as a joint venture between Alberta Beef Quality Starts Here and Alberta Milk and was made possible through financial support provided by Alberta Livestock Industry Development Fund.
This self-directed, home study, course provides producers with the basic medication/animal health information needed, as a pre-requisite foundation of knowledge, to enable the implementation of the standard operating procedures of the Verified Beef Production, on-farm food safety, program.
Cattle veterinarians can also use this course as an educational tool to ensure their clients use animal health products wisely. This will help veterinarians meet their legal obligations for a valid veterinary-client- patient relationship.
“The main reason we developed the manual was because there was a lack of basic cattle medicine information available for producers in one manual” states Dr Joyce Van Donkersgoed, co-author of the Cattle Medicine – Responsible Use Course. “As well, from a production perspective, understanding how to use animal medicines properly will ensure that producers don’t waste money on use of inappropriate drugs, and to maximize therapeutic responses.”
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